Tuesday 9 April 2013

How I started

I thought of starting my own blog when I heard about blogging on my favorite TV show called 'Arthur" which I  spend hours  watching on the iPad . That's how I got interested.
*My Aunt Z  also has a blog 
http://sincerelygenuine.blogspot.com/ ( by the way I have two aunts, i only get to see them during certain school holidays though) . So I asked her for some advice and she sent  the websites which i could use. Then my mum  and I finally decided on using this one.

One reason why I did this blog is because  I have family around the world  in UK,  Malaysia , Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, this blog could help them  get to know me better.
 I am also doing this because I really enjoy writing and want to get better and better at it . 

This is how I go about writing my blog.
 step 1. First I ask my mum to open my blog for me 
 step 2.  then we talk about what I want to write
 step 3.  she helps me with my ideas
 step 4. I start to write it
 step 5. mum checks for spelling errors and makes corrections.
 step 6. we read it together.
 step 7. I post it for you all to read!

 On another topic I got my phone back !! A lady found my handbag with my phone, she gave it to me on Saturday.  And sadly I could not use any of my uncles pictures. Hopefully next year I will take some good photos.

This is it for now, till I post again.

 *Correction: My aunty Z  says she uses a new blog now http://house422.wordpress.com/


  1. Hi my love,I love your blog.You are a very good writer.

    I dont use that blog anymore though,I have a new one.
    Keep writing!!
    Aunty Z

  2. sorry my mistake. what is your new blog so i can update it.
    and thank you for your comments.
