Tuesday 9 April 2013

How I started

I thought of starting my own blog when I heard about blogging on my favorite TV show called 'Arthur" which I  spend hours  watching on the iPad . That's how I got interested.
*My Aunt Z  also has a blog 
http://sincerelygenuine.blogspot.com/ ( by the way I have two aunts, i only get to see them during certain school holidays though) . So I asked her for some advice and she sent  the websites which i could use. Then my mum  and I finally decided on using this one.

One reason why I did this blog is because  I have family around the world  in UK,  Malaysia , Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, this blog could help them  get to know me better.
 I am also doing this because I really enjoy writing and want to get better and better at it . 

This is how I go about writing my blog.
 step 1. First I ask my mum to open my blog for me 
 step 2.  then we talk about what I want to write
 step 3.  she helps me with my ideas
 step 4. I start to write it
 step 5. mum checks for spelling errors and makes corrections.
 step 6. we read it together.
 step 7. I post it for you all to read!

 On another topic I got my phone back !! A lady found my handbag with my phone, she gave it to me on Saturday.  And sadly I could not use any of my uncles pictures. Hopefully next year I will take some good photos.

This is it for now, till I post again.

 *Correction: My aunty Z  says she uses a new blog now http://house422.wordpress.com/

Tuesday 2 April 2013

I came back from camp on Sunday, I did not have  Internet  so I could not blog . but now I have  Internet, not sure for how long :(

I was not feeling well the day we arrived and the next day too. So papa ( grandpa) let me go to the nurse, and I got medicine. I was better in no time :D

But camp was fun ! I met lots of friends and I slept  in a hotel while some people slept in tents .
We had a Bible quiz , I was not part of it tho because  it was for the older  kids called "pathfinders". My age group for younger kids called "adventurers" played musical chairs. Other activities were arts and crafts , we made animal masks, we had a treasure hunt, my group did not find any treasure. The treasure was  actually biscuits. It should have been called a biscuit hunt.

Sunday we left camp for Accra very early because my Gogo ( grandmother) had to travel.
I felt sad about leaving early , I did not get a chance to say bye to my friends.
I also discovered I lost my handbag which had my phone in it. I said to my self , this is the first time I lost my phone. My grandma was not pleased at all and she said I won't get another phone.especially since it was my second phone, I had broken my first one. I have no idea how.
 Papa said its possible someone picked it up and it will be returned to me.
So we are hoping i get it back on sabbath (Saturday)  Fingers crossed .

Things I enjoyed at camp, were the food because it was spicy, we don't eat hot food at home.  I  also really liked been outdoors singing and playing with my friends. Can't wait to go again next year.
My uncle forgot to take pictures of me.  So I have very few.i will go through them and see if any are good enough to post.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter like I did.